Grapes: The perfect super food
Summer time all the way to fall
grapes abounded in Tripoli
white, muscat, black, and red
on the vine vitis vinifera
when drunk vino veritas
of alkaline source and mineral rich
we ate it plain and we drank it squeezed
from hand held mill-processor
the grapes would crush and gush
the seed would mush
salutary tartaric acid
the body aid rid itself
of toxin and uric acid
grape juice that would
make our lips pucker
our eyes squint if sour
all the while beneficially
blood purifier
anti – inflammatory
preserver of joint flexing
and skin elastin
best flavor was
friday afternoon
when grapes in season
would accompany
couscous and vegetables soup
sometimes with chicken
yellow squash, carrots
celery, zucchini, ceci beans
others white beans
Mounds in a plate
for kids incentive
with a spoonful conscious
one grape
little I knew
aide to the liver and
bladder functions
salty and sweet
all in one
a late lunch, to await
Shabbat dinner