Jewish Libya
Libia Ebraica
Libia Judia
ليبيا اليهود
לוב יהודית
Writing with my heart and soul
Grafted in memories of by-gone times
of Libyan Jewish communities
life brought to a sudden extinction in 1967
Personal writing from my heart and soul
Life coasting ups and down its history, geography, food customs and music to preserve the future generations, in peace.
Always keeping alive the treasures of her tribe and spirit of her people by sharing their teachings and traditions with my family and the world communities.

Penina Meghnagi Solomon
Where is my Home ?
I am white,
but my soul is black…
in respect to Amerika
I am Arab for you
actually, I am a Jew
I really…belong in Afrika
To tell the truth, I am not alone
They took my land
and stole my home
and even razed the cemeteries
The pain is great each season
when I think of where my dad was buried
February 15,1988
In History
all the same, acts of never changing hate
thirst for blood pouring of their veins
a knife, scimitar a machete
all one
Hate for Jews
Hate from the cowards
Hate in masks today
Hate in your face then
I did not know him, Gabriel my uncle
My father’s brother
G-iora’s her son
to whom you
gave his fatal fate by your blade
For no reason
between the fifth and the sixth
of 1945 then
November unrest from
the fourth to the eight
Along with other 132 in time
Their bloodshed
away from home
In dark alleys
In front of the home
In front of loved ones
In front of the world
Hate was & is accepted
All the same today, yesterday
EDBAH … (slaughter)
is the Arab/Islam word
common word toward not animals
but humans
The hated cousins' human Infidels
The common gesture
a descriptive slice to the neck
the index finger running over the throat
Slow as a knife on hand
What I remember of bygone
time in my past
As we looked for an escape
on the building rooftop as a young girl
That morning of 1967
May 24, 2004
Tra la Persiana
e il Portone
(Between the Shutters & the Front Door)
1967 It was! because of the WAR
the shutters were closed
That June summer morning
In another country.
Fear was the reason,
Outside a jeep drove
We peered through the fissures
Tilted to keep the sun out,
Uniformed men, descended like Gestapo
Still fresh in remembrance,
with the news was, they said
We Jews had a choice:
A camp was for our protection set
without convincing promised,
risk all by staying at home,
leave the country that was best of all.
We were Jews
that was our transgression
we had to go without possessions.
***Wide open, long before my birth
The open window
let the sun in my house,
belonging then to
my great grandparents
Up that window
we climbed on, we perched,
hoping neighbor would
come outside to play
In the street
Some other times signs
silent language just talk
When school was out
I was out of the tall solid wood
front door secured by solid long
Bolted to the walls
We were the kids
that little is known of:
Jews, Italian, Maltese, Muslim
American and English
we all played friendly games,
Jump rope, hides and go seek,
Hop-scotch, Four corners, hula-hoops
Jumping-jack, pogo sticks
a great vogue then
We were an intertwined clan of Tripoli
Where people lived in believed harmony
Nov. 18, 1987
Sciara El Farasdaq
From that window my mother
She looked at us and chatted with
Set Fatmah the Egyptian lady
Her children Samir, Samira,
Soher, Sohera
Across, the balcony upstairs
Downstairs the Maltese
Angelina and her grandmother
The Italian lady Lina
The seamstress in front
Ines Pippo, Silvio
Poor Bacucco their dad
Was always ridiculed
The Americans are gone
On the right The balcony
of the Fargion upstairs
The Gasparetto windows below
above us the Guetta's
Aunt Mantina Naim
my adoptive grandmother
the southeast corner
On the 3rd floor
There, is where we hid
When the crowd came
As they brandished
knives and machetes
with demanding cries
"Wuein L'Yahud" (Where are the Jews)
Edbah L'Yahud (Slaughter of the Jews)
While you bring knives and more
tools for destruction
Alive we are because
Sheikh Ha Schiara diverted
the mass saying:
"Mafish Yahud, Amshi Emshi min Hon"
and the crowd dispersed
Slat Dar El Malty
the synagogue at the South West
where papa worshiped daily
Shabat & Holidays
he loved to welcomed guests
to our home
I loved that narrow and short
Schiara Al Farazdaq
our lovely street
The shutters would be closed
To keep the GHIBLI out
That desert hot wind,
blinding clouds of sand
dust, so strong to blind
Bales of debris rolling in the
On a hot afternoon when all rested
Waiting for the evening's best
when all Young and old
merged without distinction
of language or race
would come out
Sitting on chairs,
by their front doors
perched by a window
talking about everything
Weather, food, family, fashion
Others would patiently
waited for darkness
So they would go to sleep
Close the shutters
Wait for the morning
Mom decided to leave for safety
They will come for us
A plane will leave at dawn
my ancestry land
Close the house door
the double solid wood
the street door
bolted to the wall
to secure in emergency cases
We each have a suitcase and £ 20
Will we come back again?
It was my request
Mamma didn't answer
The one with the watery eyes
Trust and dignity said
“We have a future ahead
uncertain with LIBERTY
Nov. 18, 1987
November 8, 2021
Here I Am
Here I AM, (adopting) in a foreign lands
rather than in the Homeland
more recently, the Libyan Insurrection
of 500 or 54 years ago
my ancestries and
the other one is me
May. 18, 1994
Bread & Sauce
It is not for the poor or rich
is for Delicious
it is for a saucy scale
of upper and lower
food was good
I mean really good
Taste and don’t waste
T-Becha bel Cammun
Selkq,, Lubia or Tmatem
all winners
As the Italians do the spaghetti,
the remaining sauce stuck to the plate
Nothing better than
A piece of bread or maybe two
To wipe
I say actually clean
The plate
Not for hunger, but mostly for pleasure
To some cultures a testament to the
Great meal
Some might burp and get a smile
My home and my friends
Taught us, you eat all
Because food is to thank G-d
your mother, wife, grandma
If you have.
from the pot
put on your plate
what you need
and Waste not
For there is people who
might not have or have not
so Respect others
and earth for what it gives us
TBecha is STEW same base different flavors
SelQk Spinach/Swiss Chard
Lubia Beans
Cammun Cumin
Tmatem Tomato
Bamya Okra
Mlokhya Jute leaves
Betenjal Eggplant
Hams Garbanzo
Bizilli Sweet Peas (fresh or Dry)
the chicken was tasty,
and the sauce left in the pot
had to be wiped clean with bread
Dec. 27, 2006
Garlic is Sanity
In water, the garlic was soaked
to soften and later peeled
a jar of it for that matter
lots of garlic at any time
to make an Italian dish
or a local Sephardic
Libyan Berber all one
thin line, an invisible boundary
transverse the myriads of so
many cultures of past and present
Romans, Berbers, Spanish
Turks, Italians, and Arabs
We lived through
In the same place
O yes garlic, that dainty bulb
my mother kept it in long braided bunches
seasonally bought, hung in the kitchen
for yearly usage
lots of it for that matter
When adding paste from tomatoes
a pinch of salt, cumin, and cayenne
Over the fish, and a lemon squirt
“CHRAIMI” we call it, that saucy dish
Hot or cold for Friday night
It was a red sight
At celebrations like Bar Mitzvah Brit Milah
Savory dish, always to add delight.
Pasta al Forno or Pizza was our food
for lunch or dinner, it matters not
But don’t assume, that now I am here
And things have changed, because
My migratory habits I take with me
My home cooking is a delicacy
Please come to taste & do evoke with me
My nostalgia
Because garlic
is sanity
May 9, 1998
Jasmine scent emanating
an evening, family outing
late May early June
My Africa, my Libya
Fragments of the life I had
In Tripoli of no more
Images in the essence
so powerful forward
even a glimpse could bring
a dreamy smile today
that is what counts
so we can recount
a story
lasting for eternity.
from spice a plant
Growing blooming
Even elsewhere
January 2, 2201