SULTANAA queen she was with her bright eyes and a white smile Always soft was her voice and joyful SHA HALEIK ( how are you?) ADH CHLY (come...
CAMELSCAMELS gazing and grazing crossing in the middle of the street moving slowly Never look in the camel eyes Might grunt Ruminating with...
Final Prosperity or Best to PosterityGiohrah and Nanus had in 1904 Chaim Vittorio Hlumah The swimmer a champion of the open sea medium built, high in morals heart shape...
Time & MoneyFor this the Hachamim (Sages) say: בן אדם למה תדאג על הדמים ולא תדאג על הימים, כי הימים אינם חוזרים "Human being, why worry about money...
CHILHOOD IMPRESSIONSCHILHOOD IMPRESSIONS My childhood impressions Are found in my mind In pictures of things like the calm Mediterranean Brightness...
AFRICAN MORNING MAGIC POTIONSAH LAB A plate on the table With steam arising in the air The scent of cinnamon Lightly sprinkled with sugar Crystal shine They...
Pane e salsa Bread with sauceIt is not for poor or rich is for delicious it is for saucy scale of upper and lower food was good means really good Taste and don’t ...
AcquaCi porta e ci prende da questo mondo Nascita e morte Scorre giù dai monti E fiumi finiscono al mare IMPOSSIBILE vivere senza Acqua che...
Araqui, Bukha,10:04 pm ARACKY some call it BUKHA The Greek call it Ouzo Turks & Rodeslees Racky Anisetta in Italian, Me, Bucka and also Aracki the...
Lipizzaner HorseLipizzaner Noble horse Schubert plays and Suddenly a childhood memory surfaced in my mind I was very young, but every years the circus...