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Geographycally named & renamed,precipitation,1956,libya&scoring=t&hl=en&um=1&sa=N&sugg=d&as_ldate=1956/09&as_hdate=1956/09&lnav=dt,-Libya

Libya is not part of the Mashriq nor of the Maghreb,

is cradle in the center of North Africa coast it is divided into 3 regions

TRIPOITANIA with its capital in the WEST (TRIPOLI)

Tripoli means 3 cities since during the Punic settlements of the coast including

Oea (Tripoli), Leptis Magna (Labdah), and Sabratah, in an area that came to be known collectively as one Tripolis, or "Three Cities"

CERENAICA with its capital of the the EAST (BENGAZI)

Used to be called Berenice

FEZZAN capital of the SOUTH (SABHA)

Other cities are :Leptis Magna, SabrathaT,obruk, Garian, Zzauia, Zuara, Gebel Nefuza,Jebel Akhdar, Tahruna, Sharshara, Tengiza, Misurata,derna, kKhums, Barce

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Akhdar, Tahruna, Sharshara, Tengiza, Misurata,derna, kKhums, Barce

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