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Penina's WORLD

Penina's WORLD

Name: Penina aka NINI

Birthday: August 21

Status: Married, 3 sons

Occupation: Freelance

Industry: Art, Education, Speaker

Hobby: Write, Choir, Paint, Cook

Food: Burik bel Dahhy, Ice Cream

Movie: "The Jungle Book"

Songs: "Israel" by Gianni Morandi

"L'Archa di Noe" by Gino Paoli

Music: "Concerto de Aranjuez"

by Peppe Romero, Andre Segovia, Rodrigo

My favorite QUOTES:

" "The mind of man plan his way, but G-d direct his steps" (Provers16:9)

* "A persons life is dyed the color of his imagination" (Marcus Aurelius)

* "Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands EXISTS,

we teach PEACE & LOVE of LIFE" (Nini Meghnagi)

* "Celebrate the Temporary " (Nini Meghnagi)

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